How to complete your Account Configuration (first-time setup)


1. The first step is to open TAX HOUND and Enter First Name and Press Tab

Step 1 image

2. Enter Last Name

Step 2 image

3. Select the letter your PTIN begins with

Step 3 image

4. Enter PTIN (including leading zeros) and Press Tab

Step 4 image

5. Enter Area Code and Press Tab

Step 5 image

6. Enter Phone Number

Step 6 image

7. Enter Email Address

Step 7 image

8. Enter Address

Step 8 image

9. Skip down to Zip Code and Enter Zip Code.

Step 9 image

10. Create a 5 digit PIN. (we recommend using your zip code)

Step 10 image

11. Click Create Admin Preparer

Step 11 image

12. Select Security Question 1

Step 12 image

13. Answer Security Question 1

Step 13 image

14. Select Security Question 2

Step 14 image

15. Answer Security Question 2

Step 15 image

16. Select Security Question 3

Step 16 image

17. Answer Security Question 3

Step 17 image

18. Click Save Changes

Step 18 image

19. Under Login Security, click COMPLETE

Step 19 image

20. If your contact person is the same as the Admin Preparer, Click Same as Admin Preparer box.

Step 20 image

21. If you are self-employed, click the Check Here, If you are self-employed box.

Step 21 image

22. Enter your EFIN

Step 22 image

23. Enter Firm Name

Step 23 image

24. Click Save Changes

Step 24 image

25. On the Federal pricing screen, select the pricing option you want to use. 

Step 25 image

26. Click Save Federal Pricing

Step 26 image

27. Click Continue To : State Pricing

Step 27 image

28. On the State pricing screen, select the pricing option you want to use. 

Step 28 image

29. Click Save State Pricing

Step 29 image

30. Click Continue To : Discount

Step 30 image

31. Click Continue To : Invoice Config

Step 31 image

32. Enter an Invoice Prefix (we recommend using some part of your company name) and Press Tab

Step 32 image

33. Enter the Invoice Sequence Number (we recommend using the current year) and Press Tab

Step 33 image

34. Enter Office Location (we recommend using your city)

Step 34 image

35. Our recommendation is to check this box to show a detailed fee disclosure on all bank products.

Step 35 image

36. Click Save and Close

Step 36 image

37. That’s it. You’re done.

Step 37 image

Here’s an interactive tutorial–How-to-complete-your-Account-Configuration–first-time-setup-

September 7, 2021
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